Faithful & True Podcast
Faithful & True Podcast
207: FANOS | Cultivating Emotional Connection | Part 1
Have you ever wondered if there was a quick way to connect emotionally with your spouse in the midst of the busyness of life?
Today on the Faithful & True Podcast, Russ & Susie Smidt join Dr. Greg Miller and Randy Evert to unpack a simple tool (FANOS) you can use to cultivate emotional intimacy in your relationship.
#relationships #marriage #addictionrecovery #betrayaltrauma
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Dr. Mark Laaser, M.Div., Ph.D., was considered one of the Christian leaders in the field of sex addiction before his death in September 2019. Mark, together with his wife, Debbie Laaser, MA, LMFT, have shared their 32 years of personal experience in sexual addiction recovery with thousands of individuals and couples through their work and resources at Faithful & True.
The Faithful & True 3-Day Intensive Workshops continue to transform lives, rebuild trust, and help heal marriages.